Everyday and special things. Not only for interested persons, tourists, guests, expats and recently immigrants. Also for Germans, because national culture concerns everyone.

Bavarian Volksfest
Peteris, my friend from Latvia, likes Bavarian folk festivals (Volksfest) like I do. In 2018 we visited as many festivals…
Carnival (Karneval / Fasching / Fastnacht)
Carnival: Karneval, Fasching, Fastnacht… As so often in Germany there are different names for one and the same thing depending…
After writing about the Christmas season in another post, I would like to write about the festival itself. About what…
Christmas Time
I would like to give an overview of the Christmas season and Christmas itself with some of its customs. I…

small lexicon of insults
Insults or swear words – these are often the first words you learn in a language. I grew up not far from the German-Polish border. The first words I learned…
Surnames in Germany
Here I will write about surnames in Germany. That this can be interesting, I have noticed several times. For example, when a friend from Ethiopia told me that he always…

Arbeit / Wirtschaft

Politik und Gesellschaft
phenomenon of the Schrebergarten (allotment garden)
will be translated soon “Schrebergärten” oder “Kleingärten” sind für manche Ausländer, aber besonders für nichteuropäische erklärungsbedürftig. Davon habe ich nicht…
Political terms
Introducing political terms in Germany. Their meaning and use in political discussion.
Recommendations for movies and series
Here I would like to list some important or recommendable German films, series and television series. Background: Until 1933, the…

Geschichte und Sightseeing
UNESCO world heritage “Messel Pit”
The Messel Pit fossil site (Grube Messel) is part of the World Natural Heritage. Here I briefly describe what it is all about and give practical tips for a visit.
whats “Germany for Beginners” about?
Germany for Beginners imparts cultural knowledge about Germany. I am writing here about everyday and special things. For people who have come to Germany for a certain period of time: Keyword integration. Or Germans with a recent migration
history: Keyword assimilation. But also for Germans who cannot do anything with the concept of the German Leitkultur. Also for those interested in Germany and tourists who want a deeper insight. I know from people all over the world
what the questions are that people ask about Germany. These are my inspiration.